Benefits of carrot this winter !!!

Benefits of carrot this winterBenefits of carrot this winter !!!

Carrots are highly nutritious, delicious, and food rich winter vegetables, which are found throughout the year. Curry and salad can be eaten as a carrot. In addition, many delicious foods can be made with carrots. If eaten raw, cooked better than eating carrots. Because the nutrient loss is minimized.

Nutrition Information:

100 grams (one cup) of carrots and 16706 ota bitakyarotina the 8285 micrograms of vitamin A is found. The 41 kilokyalori calories, .8 grams of food fiber, Vitamin B-1, 0.04 mg, Vitamin B-II, 0.05 mg; C mg iron, 5.9 mg vitamin C, 132
micrograms of vitamin K, 19 micrograms phaleta, 320 mg potassium, 33 mg calcium, phosphorus 1 mg, 1 mg of magnesium is found.

Health Information:

* Carrots have beta carotene is converted to vitamin-e-sight is better. It also acts as anti-oxidants. 
* Studies, Carrot existing phyalakyarinala and phyalakyaridiola lung and intestinal cancer and other cancers.
* Alpha-carotene in carrots and lutina the material plays a special role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
* Derived from carrots, vitamin-e 'blood out to the body of harmful ingredients tanki helps.
* Carrot bronchial inflammation and healing.
* Carrot protects teeth and gum health.
* Pregnant mothers carrot juice reduce the risk of playing the baby's jaundice.
* It removes constipation.
* Carrot body of the wound healing. By combining the benefits of playing with candied carrot leaves.
* Carrot soup diarrhea diseases functional role.
* Carrot works as deworming.
* Mixed with carrots, garlic, playing a couple of KwaZulu hypertension can be controlled.

Beauty protect carrots:

* The study found, Carrot kyarotinayeda contains pigment. This feature makes the skin clear skin cells is interesting.
* Skin to relieve sunburn effect of carrots.
* Carrot hair, skin and nails to protect the beauty.
* This skin fold, coarse expression and acne away.
* When used as a coating on the skin, the skin of carrot mixed with honey is brilliant.


Who regularly took drugs, caution should be falling for them carrot juice. Because of the toxic material can be made in the liver. So in the morning and at night after eating two to three hours after taking drugs like eating carrots.

We get the benefits of carrots, they are:

(1) carrots particularly useful for the eyes. Carrots eye nerves strong.

(Ii) to reduce body fat carrot juice.

(3) increase the amount of blood himaglabinera helps carrots.

(4) regular carrots, the body is the skin brighter.

(5) carrots medhasakti helps raise.

(6) is a dynamic brain nerves.

(7) puts tough datera gums

(8) helps to digest food

(9) rupacarcaya mixture is used as a carrot

(10) that would aid in reducing the signs of pain and soreness.
